Agape Healing Arts
Health & Wellness Center
222 US Highway 1 South / Suite 1 / Tequesta FL 33469 ~ Office 561-762-4273 ~ MM 45443
(Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine)
Commit to Your Health,
Healing and Transformation!

Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine
Oriental Medicine, which includes the practice of Acupuncture, herbal medicine, moxibustion, tuina (therapeutic bodywork), nutrition, exercise and meditation is a safe and effective form of medical treatment that has evolved into a complete holistic health care system encompassing a variety of traditional health care therapies that have been used for more than 3,000 years to diagnose and treat illness, prevent disease and improve well-being.
Other modalities of Oriental Medicine are:
Electroacupuncture: "E-stim" or the use of fine micro-current technology
Lifestyle Coaching, Dietary and Nutritional Counseling
Cupping: this employs a glass, bamboo or plastic cup to stimulate blood and Qi
Tai Chi: Medicine in Motion
Qi Gong: Coordination of Breath, Posture & fluid movement for Health
Meditation: Medicine for the Mind
Tuina: Chinese massage therapy & various therapeutic bodywork
In order to promote the body’s natural ability to heal itself, Chinese Medicine focuses on restoring and maintaining the natural balance of your body’s Qi or vital life force energy. When Qi is balanced and flowing, the body is in good health. Dis-ease and illness occur when the energy is either stagnant, obstructed, deficient, or in any way out of balance.
Acupuncture can be used during pregnancy to maintain the body's optimal Qi or energy level. There are so many changes that the body is going through and acupuncture is used to maintain a balance within all the energy meridians. It is extremely effective relieving nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Other symptoms that acupuncture can alleviate include: heartburn, constipation, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, edema, sinusitis, anxiety, depression, insomnia, anemia, fatigue, musculoskeletal pain and urinary tract infections. It can be used safely as an alternative induction method that has no side effects.
Initial Consultation & Treatment: $195.00 1.5 hours
Follow Up Treatments: $100 / 50 minutes
Package of 5: 10% off
Package of 10 15% off
VIP MEMBER: $80 per treatment (always receives 20% off)

"Moxa" is a form of heat therapy in which dried plant material, from the sage family, smolder near the proximity of the surface of the skin. Moxa invigorates the energetic pathways of the body. The term is derived from the Japanese herb “mogusa”, known as mugwort, and the Latin ” bustion” meaning burning.
Moxibustion warms and invigorates the flow of Qi in the body, dispels certain pathogenic factors & increases blood flow. It is very nourishing and can create a deep relaxation response. Moxibustion in conjunction with Acupuncture can be very effective for many diseases including back pain, sciatica, muscle stiffness, headaches, arthritis, tendinitis, circulation problems, female health problems as menstrual cramps, irregular periods and infertility. It can be very effective in the treatment of cold constitutional conditions.

Cupping is one of the oldest methods of traditional Chinese medicine. This healing technique consists of creating a vacuum by placing a cupping glass on the skin. The cup creates suction on the skin stimulating blood to flow to the area where the cup is placed. Quite often used on athletes and martial artists as displayed in the Olympics.
Cupping helps relieve inflammation in the area of the body were the treatment is applied. Chinese cupping treatment is commonly used to treat respiratory conditions like bronchitis or pneumonia. Research shows cupping can ease muscular tension, facilitate mobility, alleviate spasms, soften restrictions in connective tissue and increase blood flow especially in the back. Cupping can be used during pregnancy to purify the blood and drain the lymphatic system.
Cupping Can Be A Helpful Complementary Treatment For:
Pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma or congestion
Lower Back Pain / Neck & Shoulder Pain
Sciatica or Sacral Iliac Joint Issues
Stress and Tension Headaches
$75.00 30 minutes
Package of 5: 10% off
Package of 10 15% off
VIP MEMBER: always receives 20% off

The Arvigo Technique of Maya Abdominal Therapy
ATMAT is founded on the ancient Mayan technique of abdominal massage, which is an external non invasive manipulation that repositions internal organs that have shifted, combined with the modern science of anatomy and physiology.
ATMAT supports the body’s natural healing capacity to maintain homeostasis, hemodynamics, and increases the five channels of flow (arterial, venous, lymphatic, nerves, chi/energy). ATMAT is specifically beneficial to the digestive system, the reproductive system, and for bladder health
Initial Consultation & Treatment: $325.00 2.5 hours
Follow Up Treatments: $150 50 minutes
Package of 5: 10% off
Package of 10 15% off
VIP MEMBER: $120 per treatment (always receives 20% off)

Chi Nei Tsang (Organ Massage therapy)
Chi Nei Tsang is a non-invasive method of abdominal massage. It makes use of the energy flow of all major systems in the body: digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, integumentary, lymphatic, nervous, fasciae tendon-muscle, acupuncture meridian, etc.
Chi Nei Tsang can help increase the energy flow into the internal organs by specific manipulations and through massaging a series of points in the navel area. CNT frees the blockages in the abdomen and guides the healing energy through the entire body.
Benefits of Chi Nei Tsang "Vitalize Internal Organs"
Relief from tension and pain
Reduces abdominal pains
Helps aid in digestion and assimilation
Improves elimination
Breathe more fully and effortlessly
Releases physiological and emotional blocks
Detoxify and strengthen weak or damaged organs
PMS, cysts, and other female orders
Correct old chronic structural problems
Extend your life by rejuvenating and balancing your organs and glands
Initial Consultation & Treatment: $195.00 1.5 hours
Follow Up Treatments: $150 / 50 minutes
Package of 5: 10% off
Package of 10 15% off
VIP MEMBER: $120 per treatment (always receives 20% off)

Spiritual Bathing
Spiritual Bathing is an ancient Maya healing practice that removes emotional obstacles that block you from whole-hearted living. Using the vibrational power of water infused with plants, flower essences, sacred incense, prayers and intention, this cleansing can make a huge difference in your life. It can liberate you from the past and reconnect you to your soul force.
A Spiritual Bath shifts you. It uplifts your spirit by washing away negativity, grief, stagnation and world-weariness, and removes obstacles that block success in achieving your goals and desires. Cleansing breaks the cycle of the ‘monkey mind’ and gives you space and clarity to put things into perspective. Holistic by its very nature, Maya medicine is classified as a medico-religious healing tradition, taking into account not only the physical ills of the body but also their effects on the spirit. The Maya recognize diseases of the soul as well as the body and are aware of the connection between spiritual and physical causes of illness.
A spiritual Bath will help you to:
Manifest dreams and long buried desires
Bring courage and confidence to the unknown
Gain closure to trauma or overwhelming emotional states
Release fear, jealousy, resentment or envy
Liberate yourself from stress and anxiety
Draw projects and relationships into fruition
Initial Consultation & Treatment: $195.00 1.5 hours
Follow Up Treatments: $130 50 minutes
Package of 5: 10% off
Package of 10 15% off
VIP MEMBER: $104 per treatment (always receives 20% off)

VIP BIRTH CONCIERGE® is an innovative Natural Childbirth program that provides a nurturing and supportive holistic alternative for mothers and babies based on personalized healthcare and service, tailored to your own unique and individual needs.
Holistic Midwifery Care Specializing in primary health care for women of all ages, including pap smears, breast exams, physicals, fertility counseling, and family planning, preconception, pregnancy, labor & birth, postpartum and early childhood preparation. Dedicated to the belief that pregnancy and birth are normal processes in a woman's life, midwives provide personalized, compassionate, and thorough maternity care. This includes comprehensive physical and emotional care for a mother and her baby through pregnancy, labor, birth and continuing after the baby is born. Midwives are present during the labor and birth, which is often not the case with other care providers who "check-in" periodically during labor and are present for the delivery itself.
Please visit BELLABIRTHING website for more info.

Yoni/Root Steam Bath
Herbal steam baths otherwise known in Spanish as "Bajos" or "Chai-yok" in Korean are used in conjunction with the Arvigo Techniques of Mayan Abdominal Therapy to treat many symptoms associated with fertility and the cleaning of the uterus.
Herbal steam baths aids as a uterine lavage "internal cleanse" to help flush out excess debris and fluids that may be remaining from the previous cycle. The moistness of the steam combined with the heat helps to open the tissues and pores of the vaginal area. The vapor carries the herbs and oils used in the bath and allows it to be absorbed into the tissues and enter the bloodstream. This provides a healing affect directly on the reproductive system.
The Benefits of Herbal Steam Bath
Uterine fibroids
Painful menstruation
Uterine weakness
Uterine prolapse
Irregular menstrual cycles
Ovarian cysts, endometriosis
Reproductive adhesion/scar tissue
Previous vaginal tear or episiotomy
Dark or brown blood at the onset of a cycle
$65.00 / 25 minutes
Package of 5: 10% off
Package of 10 15% off
VIP MEMBER: always receives 20% off

CranioSacral Therapy (CST)
1. a light-touch, whole-body treatment technique; works with the body's craniosacral system to support and nourish the Central Nervous System - improving overall health and well-being.
2. a complementary method of hands-on bodywork; woks with the natural and unique rhythms of the different body systems to pinpoint and address problem sources.
3. helps to alleviate the aches, pains, and strains of life; improves coping mechanisms to allow for better management of stress.
4. improves the body's ability to self-care; can produce profound, positive changes.
CST was pioneered and developed by Osteopathic Physician John E. Upledger after years of clinical testing and research at Michigan State University where he served as professor of biomechanics. Using a soft touch which is generally no greater than 5 grams – about the weight of a nickel – practitioners release restrictions in the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system and promote the flow of cerebral spinal fluid. It''s effective treatment modality for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction.
Initial Consultation & Treatment: $195.00 1.5 hours
Follow Up Treatments: $150 / 50 minutes
Package of 5: 10% off
Package of 10 15% off
VIP MEMBER: $120 per treatment (always receives 20% off)

Lymph Drainage Therapy
LDT is an innovative hands-on method of lymphatic drainage developed by Dr. Bruno Chikly, MD, DO. It has been created out of his award-winning research on the lymphatic system consistent with recent scientific discoveries.
LDT is the first technique that enables practitioners to detect and palpate the specific rhythm, direction, depth and quality of the lymph flow anywhere in the body. With these skills, practitioners can practice Manual Lymphatic Mapping (MLM) of the lymphatic vessels. LDT practitioners are able to use their hands to assess and enhance overall circulation as well as determine the best alternate pathways for draining stagnant body fluid (lymph, interstitial, synovial fluid, etc)
Initial Consultation & Treatment: $195.00 1.5 hours
Follow Up Treatments: $150 / 50 minutes
Package of 5: 10% off
Package of 10 15% off
VIP MEMBER: $120 per treatment (always receives 20% off)

AromaTouch™ Technique
dōTERRA’s AromaTouch Technique is a clinical approach to applying essential oils along energy meridians and visceral contact points of the back and feet to help balance sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems of the body.
Developed by Dr. David Hill, a leading expert in integrative medicine and therapeutic applications of essential oils, the AromaTouch Technique improves wellbeing by reducing physical and emotional stressors and by supporting healthy autonomic function. The technique is simple and intuitive and uses dōTERRA’s CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils for an unparalleled grounding experience for recipients.
$150 / 50 minutes
Package of 5: 10% off
Package of 10 15% off
VIP MEMBER: $120 per treatment (always receives 20% off)

Chakra balancing
Chakra Balancing brings balance to the body’s energy system and in turn brings balance back to one’s body, mind & spirit. The body is designed to be self-correcting. It's job is to maintain balance and the free-flow of Qi.
The chakras are an energetic gateway, feeding the body energy and providing an outlet for the release and dispersal of spent energy.Each chakra resonates with a particular frequency of vibration and are an integral part of holistic healing. After a Chakra Balancing, you may feel an over all sense of well being and a positive new outlook about your life and its outcomes as it restores your energy and provides purpose to your goals. It "turns the lights back on" as Ive herd it said by those who receive the treatment.
$150 / 50 minutes
Package of 5: 10% off
Package of 10 15% off
VIP MEMBER: $120 per treatment (always receives 20% off)

Acutonics & Vibrational Medicine
Acutonics is an integrated approach to health care grounded in Oriental medicine, psychology, science, cosmological studies and sound healing principals.
This effective non-invasive methodology works with vibratory energy created through sound. The sounds of planetary bodies are brought into the clinical setting through the use of precision calibrated tuning forks, tibetan singing bowls, and hand chimes. Vibrational medicine is a term used to describe a wide variety of living remedies. Vibrational medicine incorporates the use of chi energies within living organisms such as plants, gemstones and crystals, water, sunlight, and even the foods we eat. Almost everything we touch and see around us has a living pulse inside of it. We need look no further than the planet we live on to take advantage of its natural vibrational remedies to help us balance the chi energy within our own bodies.
$150 / 50 minutes
Package of 5: 10% off
Package of 10 15% off
VIP MEMBER: $120 per treatment (always receives 20% off)

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction brings together mindfulness meditation and yoga. Although MBSR is a training with potential benefits for all types of participants, historically, students have suffered from a wide range of chronic disorders and diseases.
Mindfulness practice is ideal for cultivating greater awareness of the unity of mind and body, as well as of the ways the unconscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors can undermine emotional, physical, and spiritual health. The mind is known to be a factor in stress and stress-related disorders, and meditation has been shown to positively effect a range of autonomic physiological processes, such as lowering blood pressure and reducing overall arousal and emotional reactivity. In addition to mindfulness practices, MBSR uses yoga to help reverse the prevalence of disuse atrophy from our culture's largely sedentary lifestyle, especially for those with pain and chronic illnesses.
$18 / class

Tai Chi & Qi Gong
Tai Chi and Qigong are two Mind-Body practices that originated in ancient China.
Practiced widely in China for thousands of years, both have become popular in the West. People of almost any age or condition can participate in them. Many people who practice Tai Chi and qigong report heightened feelings of well-being along with a variety of other health benefits.
$18 / class

Holistic Pelvic CareTM
Holistic Pelvic Care consists of physical and energetic tools designed to evaluate, restore balance, and enhance vibrant flow in the pelvic bowl of the female body by working with a person's core patterns.
--Tami Lynn Kent
Holistic Pelvic Care™ is a gentle, internal pelvic bodywork pioneered by Portland-based women’s health physical therapist Tami Kent. Just as other major muscles of the body can become tightened, stressed and imbalanced from overwork, so too can the internal muscles of the pelvic bowl become imbalanced from illness, stress, or trauma.
Holistic Pelvic Care™ combines gentle, internal massage with energetic and emotional balancing techniques. These techniques help reestablish strength and synergy in the pelvic musculature, increase blood flow to the pelvic organs, and help decrease problematic symptoms.
Who benefits from this treatment?
Any woman who is looking to reestablish a connection to her pelvic bowl or simply nurture her female body in a holistic way may benefit from one or more treatment sessions. However, specific concerns that may be aided by Holistic Pelvic Care™ include (but are not limited to):
Painful sexual activity, intercourse, or sexual dysfunction
Urinary leakage or incontinence
Chronic bladder or vaginal infections
Fertility support
Preparing for conception/pregnancy
Postpartum complaints and recovery
Pelvic congestion
Uterine prolapse
Menstrual pain
History of pelvic trauma or abuse
Healing after pregnancy loss or abortion
What can you expect from treatment?
The first session is generally the longest (1.5 hour) where a brief history will be taken and where we will discuss your goals for treatment. This is also the time where we will discuss any questions or concerns you may have and review female anatomy and muscles. We will then move on to some basic external work and then, if you are comfortable, we may move on to internal work. Internal work involves the therapist inserting a lubricated, gloved digit into the vagina and assessing the musculature and connective tissue. Exercise and gentle massage techniques will then be initiated for the duration of the treatment session.
Initial Consultation & Treatment: $195.00 1.5 hours
Follow Up Treatments: $150 / 50 minutes
Package of 5: 10% off
Package of 10 15% off
VIP MEMBER: $120 per treatment (always receives 20% off)

Transformational Breath®
Increased Physical/Emotional/Mental/Spiritual Well-Being
Transformational Breath® is an integrative breathing technique. Helping the body to integrate stress, to promote healing, to reduce blood pressure, to reduce pain, this tool is fast working.
The benefits are numerous, lasting, and will remain long with you, after returning home. If you’re interested in improving health and well-being then join us for this Transformational Breath workshops.
♡ What’s it like? ♡
Transformational Breath workshops are informative, gentle and experiential. You will learn how to connect more fully with your breath and clear your conscious and subconscious mind.
You will discover the basics of Transformational Breath ® and develop an aware of your breathing pattern. You will Lie down on mats, with cushions and blankets. It is quite effortless and relaxing. Just Close your eyes, let go into the moment and receive whatever gfts and guidance you may need at that time. Your breath and the music will be guided to journey inside and take you on a sensory ride! We facilitate you using acupressure techniques, affirmations, toning and sound therapy to help detox the body and clear the mind.